$2 2013 Stamps Canceled Coat Of Arms Of The Iraq Flag Lucky Money Value $300

$2 2013 Stamps Canceled Coat Of Arms Of The Iraq Flag Lucky Money Value $300
$2 2013 Stamps Canceled Coat Of Arms Of The Iraq Flag Lucky Money Value $300

$2 2013 Stamps Canceled Coat Of Arms Of The Iraq Flag Lucky Money Value $300
S/N B 288288858 A. The Emblem of Iraq since the rule of Baathism features a golden black eagle looking towards the viewer’s left dexter. The eagle is the Eagle of Saladin associated with 20th-century pan-Arabism, bearing a shield of the Iraqi flag, and holding a scroll below with the Arabic words????????????? (Jumhuriyet Al-`Iraq or “Republic of Iraq”). The emblem has been modified three times, in 1991, 2004, and 2008. The overthrow of Qasim’s government by the Ba’ath Party in 1963 marked an increase in pan-Arab sympathies, a change that was demonstrated in the new national flag based on that of the United Arab Republic (UAR). The new Iraqi coat of arms was similarly based on that of the UAR. Namely, the Eagle of Saladin, which had become a symbol of Arab nationalism following the Egyptian Revolution of 1952. Indeed, the only difference between the two coats of arms was the presence of three green stars in the vertical white band on the eagle’s shield, as opposed to the two stars of the UAR. And the specific Arabic script in the scroll under the eagle’s feet bearing the name of the official name state. This version of the coat of arms remained in use until it was modified in January 1991. Concurrently with the addition of the Takbir between the green stars on the flag of Iraq. To permit the Takbir to appear on the same line on the shield on the coat of arms. It was decided to make the bands on the shield horizontal instead of vertical. Of the six Arab states that are, or who have previously used the Eagle of Saladin in their coat of arms. Post-1991-Iraq is the only state whose coat of arms has its national flag appearing horizontally rather than vertically on the shield. In 2004, following the U. Invasion and occupation of Iraq. Appointed Iraqi interim administration modified the Takbir on both the flag and the coat of arms, rendering it in Kufic script. In 2008, concurrent with the removal of the three green stars from the Iraqi flag. The stars were removed from the coat of arms, leaving only the Takbir in the central white band.
$2 2013 Stamps Canceled Coat Of Arms Of The Iraq Flag Lucky Money Value $300

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